Thursday, October 29, 2009


My sleepy baby!!!

The past two nights have been amazing!!! Christian has slept in his crib the whole night without needing a feeding. He did wake up twice with some little cries that were easily remedied by inserting the paci! :)
9:30pm-5:00am yesterday 10:00pm-8:00am today! Yay! I look forward to seeing the trend continue!

We had fun a few days ago at Fall Creek Falls! Natalie and I had fun at Fall Creek Falls! Christian loves to hike! Carrying a baby is such a great conversation starter! Natalie and I both commented on how nice the south is compared to other areas of the country. Some places people would avoid eye contact - it's nice to live somewhere where people enjoy engaging in conversation!

Expect another blog update soon with Halloween pictures!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hypnobaby reunion!

Today we met with several moms that took a 6wk birthing class with us! Hypnobabies is such an awesome program! All of us had amazing birth stories to share!

In the picture, left to right is:
Rachel (with Lydia, 2 and Arwen 4months)
Rachel was able to have a VBAC waterbirth at home!!!! Although there were some stories about her midwife in the news several months after her birth, she was able to make Rachel's birthing time an intervention-free birth!
Eileen and Michael (with baby Layla, 3 months)
Eileen and Michael's story tops them all!!!!! Her birthing time was so easy and comfortable that she didn't even know she was in labor!!! Layla came so fast that Michael had to catch her in the bathroom!
Joan (with baby Sam, 3 months)
Although Joan hoped for a home birth, she delivered without any pain medications in the hospital because of her water breaking earlier. She had a 10 pounder with an easy, comfortable birthing time!!! YAY!
Me and Nick!
In all of our experiences it's so nice to be able to say how AWESOME our births were - much to the credit of the Hypnobabies program! :) I'm so thankful for healthy and happy babies!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

From oct

Wow! We've hit 3 months!!! Christian is 1/4 a year old! :) We have had so much fun with him and I'm dreading the day I go back to work! Being home is so rewarding......please pray that I will be able to stay home some day soon! :)
He is slobbering ALL THE TIME! His hands are constantly in his mouth!
From oct

And he's sitting up really well! (As long as there's a little help!)
From oct

He loves to sit in his Bumbo seat!
From oct

He also loves to have his picture taken! (Well.....maybe mom is overkill a little with the pictures!)

He's also a very snazzy dresser! Check out these great clothes!!! Can you believe they are a size 6/9months???? Most clothes he is wearing are size 9 months!!!
From oct

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fun visit from Aunt Meg!

So Mimi was bugging for a new blog...... :)
I can't believe little Christian is going to be 3 months soon! The 14th will be here any day! Look for a big blog update then!!!
Over the past couple weeks Christian has continued to warm our hearts with smiles, laughs and "flirty eyes!" He is so much fun to play with and interact! His favorite book right now is "One Lonely Lion!" The pictures are so cute and sparkly that he gets excited when he looks at each page!
He's beginning to sit up more - he loves his Bumbo seat! He also stands up on his legs when someone supports him! He can even pull himself up to standing with a little help! I'll have to catch that one on video and post!
Speaking of video, here's a little montage!!!

As the title of this blog states, Margaret and Steve came for a visit last week!!! We had a ton of fun and Aunt Meg took some great pictures with her REALLY nice camera! She'll send me copies and when she does I'll post some in the blog. While they were here we did some fun stuff!!! We went to Gentry's farm on October 3rd and did the Corn Maze!

The bright sun and walking in the Moby wore little boy out!!! He's such a trooper!

Well, he's crying now so I better go stick the "plug" back in!!! More soon!!!