Saturday, September 26, 2009

My baby is 2 months and he has a girlfriend!

My friend Roxy put up the best blog today!!!

Nick and I met up with Jody and Roxy and their little girl for a fun playdate at Opry Mills!!! Ryley is SO CUTE and such a fun personality! You can totally see their little baby personalities in the pictures! Roxy mentioned how little sounding Christian's cries are compared to Ryley', Christian has a set of pipes on him, but Ryley can SANG! ;-) She is going to be a fiery redhead for sure! I can't wait to see Christian and Ryley play together as they grow!
From pixsept

I can't believe it, but my little boy is now 2 months old!!! I finally got a 2 month picture taken and uploaded! He has the cutest little face!
From pixsept

From pixsept
From pixsept

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!! Sept 19

So the day is almost over and I almost forgot about it being Talk Like a Pirate Day!!! I always enjoy this little known holiday! I even have a kids song for it when I'm teaching!!! haha!
Here's my little Pirate Man!!! (spoiler.....this is also his Halloween costume!)

Christian has had his 2 month check up and drumroll please........
Weight - 15lbs 11oz (98 percentile)
Height - 26 inches (99 percentile)

WOW!!! He is one big boy!!!!

We have been enjoying our happy little baby! He sleeps well (except for the occasional bad dream and he wakes up screaming!) and he eats like a champ! His cute little faces and sounds make me feel so proud!!! I will work on uploading some video in the next few days! We've caught many smiles and sounds that we just HAVE to share! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Christian's First Art Show!

My mom's friend Suzan Sommers is an incredible artist!!! When she saw a picture I have of Christian she said she HAD to paint him!!!
We've nicknamed him the "Buddha Baby" because of his little belly!!!! That was the inspiration to her painting "Dreamy"

I carried him around in my Moby wrap and he was the little star of the show!!! There's nothing like a cute little baby in a crowd full of people! He loved the attention!

We are so proud of our friend Suz and honored to be an inspiration to a work of art!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Visit with Idaho In-laws

We have had so much fun this week with Nick's mom and step-dad from Idaho!
Christian has been such a great little boy over the past week with all the fun events we've experienced!!!
Mom and Tom flew in on Wednesday night - we hit the ground running on Thursday with a trip to the Hermitage and the Pancake Pantry!

We went home and played some games that night........ah, the games! As Tom said, "what would your family do if you weren't playing games???? Stare at each other?"
Trivial Pursuit is the game of choice.....Friday night the girls won! Woo hoo! So Monday night we had to go back over and let the boys win! ;-)

Sunday was a very special day - Christian was dedicated at church!!!
Pastor Charlie prayed such a sweet prayer over him and Christian smiled the whole time! It was so special and precious! I love this little boy!

His little outfit looked so cute on him!!! When Nick and I went to the boutique to purchase it, we asked the clerk how old she thought he was - she guessed 3 months!!! He is a big 7 week old little buddy!

Today (Tuesday), Nick's mom and I went to Sears to have professional pictures done of his dedication outfit! Here is a taste, but for all the pictures, go to:

Thank you Lord for a beautiful, healthy little baby!!!