Saturday, September 19, 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!! Sept 19

So the day is almost over and I almost forgot about it being Talk Like a Pirate Day!!! I always enjoy this little known holiday! I even have a kids song for it when I'm teaching!!! haha!
Here's my little Pirate Man!!! (spoiler.....this is also his Halloween costume!)

Christian has had his 2 month check up and drumroll please........
Weight - 15lbs 11oz (98 percentile)
Height - 26 inches (99 percentile)

WOW!!! He is one big boy!!!!

We have been enjoying our happy little baby! He sleeps well (except for the occasional bad dream and he wakes up screaming!) and he eats like a champ! His cute little faces and sounds make me feel so proud!!! I will work on uploading some video in the next few days! We've caught many smiles and sounds that we just HAVE to share! :)

1 comment:

  1. argghhh! shiver me timbers! he's a first class matey!! love, andrea
