Sunday, December 18, 2011

Eva Mae's Birth Story

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I am sitting here with my precious baby girl on my chest and I'm giving thanks again to a God who answers prayer! I was hoping to go into spontaneous labor with Eva Mae but as 41 weeks came closer and closer I began to lose hope and knew that I would be heading to the hospital on Monday night, Dec 5. I prayed that if I had to go in at a certain time, the Lord would make a way for the birth to go the same as my son's 2 years ago.

At 9:00am on December 5th I drank a mixture of castor oil/juice/almond butter and champagne to try to stimulate my uterus into contracting and labor. It started working around 3pm and we enjoyed a relaxing day at home getting ready to head to the hospital. My mom came over around 5:30 and we went to dinner and shopping before heading up to the hospital for the induction. I was having contractions but they were really easy to work through. Just pressure and a tightening sensation.

At 9:00pm we checked into Vanderbilt and met our nurse, Sylvia. She is a wonderful lady and I'm really glad we were put in her care!!! Melissa (the midwife) came in to check me and talk about our options. I had done a lot of progressing over the past few days and was at a good 6cm and -1 station. Effacement was only 50% but she said that subsequent pregnancies are typical to not efface as quickly as first pregnancies. She allowed us to spend a few hours walking around and using the breast pump to stimulate stronger contractions and I could tell that they were getting stronger! Whenever I was hooked up to the contraction monitor they saw some great progress - Melissa even mentioned that with the progress of the contractions there was no need to worry at all about having pitocin. My body was doing what it needed to do!!! Yay! (In fact, I was also allowed to decline a Heplock IV so I had NOTHING in my arms!!!!! I was so glad to have that freedom to move around without distraction!!!)

At around 11:30 or 12:00 Melissa came in again and asked if I wanted to be checked. I am so glad that she continued to let me labor on my own without the constant "hovering" and checking that I know some women have experienced in labor situations. I knew it wasn't time to push so I asked if we could just keep doing what we were doing and check on dilation later on. She was happy to work with me and my wishes! Throughout all this time I was in such a great place mentally. I had my CD playing my Hypnobaby tracks and when we were walking outside the room I played my tracks on my iPod. The most helpful tracks to listen to were "Easy First Stage," "Birthing Day Affirmations," and "Visualize Your Birth." I love the relaxing background music and the soothing voice of Terri, the founder of Hypnobabies!

At 2:00am Melissa came back in and between a contraction she checked on progress. I had a very bulging bag of water and progressed to a 7 but I was still 50% effaced. She asked if I wanted her to break my water and ever since I arrived at the hospital I was open to having my water broken as long as the baby's head was engaged low enough to eliminate a risk of cord prolapse. I think I was a -2 station at the time and Melissa was confident labor would be quick after breaking my water so I agreed. It was a weird sensation to feel all the water gush - Nick said Melissa's face was priceless when she saw how much water there was!!! I was really happy to hear that there was so much amniotic fluid because low fluid is a side effect of gestational diabetes at 40-41 weeks gestation.

The contractions were a lot stronger after my water broke and I had to really concentrate through them. Fortunately not many were right on top of each other so I was able to walk around and keep my mind off of the discomfort. I also spent time in and out of the shower with the hot water spraying on my back and that helped a lot! Throughout the contractions I kept myself in a deep state of hypnosis using the words "Peace" "Relax" "Release" and "Open" - all those reminders helped me keep my body loose and limp throughout a contraction so that Eva Mae could descend quicker and I would dialate faster.

At 3:30ish I had several really hard contractions that were more intense but not as long. I could also tell that they were a little different - like they were lower than the others. All of a sudden during one of the contractions I knew it was time to push!!!! Sylvia and Nick were the only ones in the room and Sylvia called her team of helpers to the room while Nick tried to find Melissa.

I jumped up on the bed and yelled "She's coming!!!" and started pushing! I couldn't wait and my body knew exactly what to do! Sylvia told Nick to put on his gloves and they were still waiting for Melissa but Eva Mae's head started coming out before Melissa got there! When she came in the room I could hear her laugh and say "I thought I was just coming in to check her!!!" She came over and guided Eva Mae's head and shoulders out and right then Eva Mae started crying and shot out! She came out so quickly that she completely slid past Sylvia's hands into Nick's hands! From the time I got on the bed to push to the time she was out was 4 minutes!!!!

Melissa helped me position myself on the bed to hold Eva Mae and I was able to bond with her for 45min to an hour before they took her to weigh and get her footprints! She latched on to breast feed quickly and has been a champion feeder ever since!!! When they took her to weigh I couldn't believe she was 10 pounds! She seemed so much lighter than Christian but she ended up being longer and only a half a pound lighter!!! (10lb 1oz, 22in)

We were able to go home after 24 hours and we've been so blessed with her sweet nature and easy disposition!!! I am so in love with my baby girl and so thankful that the Lord answered my prayer for an easy, safe and comfortable childbirth!!! Just like Christian's birth in 2009, I can't thank the Hypnobaby program enough for the education and support of natural childbirth! Nick says I'm the "poster child" for Hypnobabies!!! The Vanderbilt Midwives are so supportive and encouraging and I'm thankful that the opportunity is here in Nashville to have a hospital birth with a midwife! Melissa was amazing and my primary care under Linda was such a wonderful experience!!! I pray that the Lord will allow us to have more children in the future with awesome birth stories!

-RaeAnna and Nick Goss (Christian, 2009 and Eva Mae, 2011)

Monday, September 12, 2011


I feel like I've let Shutterfly and Facebook be my "blogging" outlets for our family but I would really like to get back to journaling and blogging thoughts here on Blogger. It just amazes me how fast time seems to go. I have a 2 year old that seems SO HUGE!!! He is such a big boy and oh so sweet!!!
Right now he is with Mimi and PopPop at a cabin on Tims Ford Lake - Sunday nights have become a "goin' to Grandma's" night and Mom brings him back to me after my piano students on Monday nights! He LOVES being with them and is so happy to tell us bye-bye so he can be with Mimi!

Since I didn't go back to school this August I have enjoyed all the extra time with him during the day! We go to story time at the library, play at the park, and make up fun games at home!!! During potty training his favorite activity was getting out the play-doh and making bowling pins and balls while the timer was set for potty time! SO CUTE!!! He learned really fast how to use the toilet and is pretty much accident free all the time! I am so proud of my smart boy!!!

My midwife appointment last week went well for Eva Mae! I'm measuring right on track, heartbeat is great and she is head down!!! The only thing that worries me is that I don't know 100% for sure if "she" is "she!" They won't do another ultrasound unless something is wrong. So, if we go in on the birthing day and Eva Mae is actually Andrew Allen, we'll have some new laundry to do!!! I have a strong feeling everything will be fine and our little girl will be here around Thanksgiving! :) She is doing a lot of kicks and movements now at 29 weeks! I love it!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Almost 2!!!

So it's been almost 6 months and our life is incredible! In March we learned that baby #2 is on it's way!!!! We find out the gender on Wednesday!
Christian is already saying "baby" when he sees my tummy and gives my tummy a kiss! Hopefully he'll be as sweet when the real baby is here! :)
He's talking up a storm and mimicking everything we say! However, there are a few quirks:
Thomas = Pie! For some reason he will not say Thomas or any variation of the word! To him, the blue #1 train is "Pie!"
Counting to ten = 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10! (7 and 9 don't exist!)

I love his little voice right now!!! He even mimics singing when we sing the ABCs! Such a sweetie!

His birthday theme will be trains since he is so into Thomas right now! Elmo and Thomas are superstars in our home! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 months!

YIKES!!! It's been too long since I've blogged about sweet Christian! A lot of ups and downs have happened over the past 5 months. Christian lost a sweet brother or sister in November when I was about 12 weeks along. We look forward to meeting that sweet baby in Heaven and we're praying for the Lord to bless us with another baby soon. It is in His hands!

Christian has been growing smarter and smarter every day! He has a large vocabulary of signs now and loves to communicate with us! Just today within 30 minutes of picking him up at my sister-in-laws he said and signed "water" to show me the pond outside their window, "all done" and "down" to ask to get out of his seat, "cracker" to ask for a snack, "dog" to point out the lady who was walking her dog outside and more! He's also much more verbal - "pay" is what he says while he points to something of interest! "Pay" is piano, Thomas the Train, "computer" and much more! We're working with him on that!!!! :)

Words that he is a CHAMP at saying is "ball," "car," "hi," "bye," "uh-oh," "no," "mama," "dada," "mimi," "poppop," "shoe," "go," "moon," and probably more that I just can't think of off the top of my head! The next step in his development is putting words together verbally. He can sign "down, please" but we're working with him on using his words as well!!!

He loves playing outside especially with our neighbor's basketball!!! I'm so glad he's such a little boy!!!

Cars and trains have also become a big interest! Ms. Margie is his babysitter on Thursdays and her son has a large collection of cars. He fell in love with them and for Christmas he got 2 remote control cars, several Thomas the Train sets, a Fisher Price car ramp and several Matchbox cars! It's so much fun to watch him play and make the car and train noises!

We are so blessed to have such a happy, beautiful, and smart little boy!!! He's my little Prince!