Tuesday, August 24, 2010

13 months!

I figured I should update the blog since baby is doing so many new things!!!

First of all - SIGNING!!!
We've been working with him since he was 5-6 months old and he's really connecting with the signs! Here they are in order:
"All done" - he started doing this a month or so ago
"More" - over the past 2-3 weeks he's been a lot more consistent!
"Drink" - although it's more of a lip smacking sound to get us his cup!
"Baby" - he watched Baby Signing Time 4 times today and started signing baby!!!
"Milk" - so after he mimicked my sign today he made a b-line for my chest....hmmmmm - I'm still nursing when he gets up and when he goes to bed. It may be time to wean him off of one of those feedings!

Other cute hand motions:
"Blow a kiss!" He'll stick the heel of his hand in his mouth and make a smacking sound when he blows his kisses!
Pointing - he's really good and pointing to what he wants!!!
Peek-a-boo - SO CUTE!!!

He also just started really enjoying the pool! Mimi took him to the apartment pool today and he was fearless!

He'll be walking any day. He's standing on his own and even bounces to the beat of music without holding on to anything! Watch out world!!! Christian is coming to get you!!!