Saturday, April 10, 2010

9 month pictures!

We went to Portrait Innovations today for 9 month pictures!!! His check up is on Tuesday and we'll see how much he weighs, length and all that good stuff!
Over the past week we have had so much fun! We visited with Roxy and Ryley on Thursday, my friend Lisa from college and her two kids Ethan and Emma on Friday, went to the park and other fun little adventures on our "staycation" during Spring Break!
The new little developments are his crawling - he's getting his knees up underneath but hasn't quite figured out how to move hands and knees in the right order! He's also discovering things to put his finger into. Right now his favorite is his nose! haha!
He also plays with his finger to his lips and makes the little blubbering sounds to amuse himself!

Here's a slideshow of our pictures!


  1. Can't wait to kiss those cheeks!!!!!!!!!!! What a doll!!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. .
    oh ! he looks so grown-up in his blazer -
    just adorable !

  3. -
    i loive that close-up,
    where he's cutting his eyes side-ways !


  4. They should be paying YOU for the privilege of taking his photos! Golly neds, he's a natural!!
