Saturday, May 5, 2012

Family Update!!!

Facebook has pretty much taken over the blog postings of every day life!!!  But having the blog is a great way to document milestones in our family!!!! 

We had a scare at the end of March with my dad falling during a hike.  It has been a long process but he'll finally go home this week.  There is a lot more that he'll need in regards to rehab but we're so glad he'll be out of the hospital!

Eva Mae is growing like a weed!!!!  Here is a list of what I've noticed in her development!!!
She is grabbing her feet and rolling to her side - not quite all the way over yet!
She also sits in the orbiter (exersaucer) and can push her feet to go around!!!
She LOVES to bounce while sitting in your lap!  It's so cute to see those chunky legs go go go!!!
She grabs at EVERYTHING!  Her favorite thing to grab are daddy's glasses and mommy's hair!
She also has taken her paci out of her mouth and put it back in!!!

I love watching her make sounds!  She loves to watch you talk and move your tongue - she will move her own while she watches you!
She has squeeling down pat!  You better hope you're not holding her next to your ears when she goes off!!!
Her babbling is still developing!  She has said "bah" once and "bee" once - most of the time it's vowel sounds! "Hee" and "Ah" is what I hear most of the time!!!
Laughing - there is NOTHING cuter than a baby laughing!!!! She loves to laugh at you when you're laughing!!  It's so adorable!

I've mentioned her copying talking - she has been tracking (watching and following movement) for a while now!!!  One of her favorite things to do with brother is watch Micky Mouse or Elmo!!!  She is so cute when she laughs at one of the characters!

She eats like a champ and is HUGE!  I love all those rolls and I'll miss them when she starts to grow out of that baby fat!  We were visiting dad at the hospital and one of the nurses said "Oh my lawd, that looks like a breast fed baby!" LOL!

Christian is also growing like a weed!  I looked a pictures from 6 months ago and I can't believe how much he's grown! He is such a little boy now!  His verbal skills are developing rapidly!  At 2 years old he was only saying 1 word type sentences to communicate but now he is a motor mouth!  He loves to communicate his observations - for example, the other day after I finished with my piano students Christian ran up to me and said "Mommy all done with piano lessons!"  His pronouns are still developing - we're still in 3rd person!  (Example, he isn't saying "I" or "me" etc. - everything is "Christian" this or that!)
 I've also noticed that he'll have the cute "L" difficulties that a lot of boys and kids have.  We were watching the birds from the window the other day and he said "Bird fwy away, mommy!"  And I tried to help him say "fly" and make the "l" sound.....but it always came out as a "w" and "y" sound! lol!

I can't believe that it's been almost a year that I finished my time as a music teacher!!!  My 20+ piano students have been keeping me busy and I had 6 students perform in our local guild piano auditions! (Kind of like a piano assessment) They are also preparing for our spring recital next week! :)

Nick is still really enjoying his job at Dell!!!  He is doing so well there - he's one of only three people that have been consistently hitting their number and his manager calls on him to cover when he's gone.  Nick came home yesterday and said "I don't ever want to be a manager!" LOL!  He did take a test last week to possibly move to a different department that would be kind of like a promotion - he would just have to apply when a position came available.

Thanks for reading!!!  I'll try to update again in another few months! :)

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